Saturday, August 04, 2012

Somebody set up us the bomb!

So, ir/rational Redux, the videogame for which æclipse µattaru made some drawings a while back, has finally broke out into the world, and it turned out to be quite the bomb all right. On Newgrounds alone, it amassed almost 140.000 visits and 45 pages worth of comments, with a score of 4-point-something over 5 stars. Adding that to numbers from other corners of the internets, the thing is currently well over 300.000 views.

The game itself, since you ask, is basically a graphic adventure in which you solve puzzles by completing logical propositions. It's way more fun than it sounds like, and it's the kind of thing that makes you feel like quite the genius with every step forward. You can play it in Newgrounds right here.

Other than that, Alfaguara just published Androides, Misión Luna, a sci-fi novel for young adults written by Fernando González that follows on the story of Nine Hours (2008). The writer, in his own words, doesn't write “to deliver a message” neither is he “about to make books that aim to teach a lesson”. This translates into a story that doesn't intend to be politically correct and won't shy away from putting its characters through the grinder relentlessly; which, if you ask me, is always the best kind of story.

The illustrations, as you might have already guessed, what being the kind of genius that plays ir/rational Redux and all, were made by æclipse µattaru and they can be found on the other side of this here link.

Finally, æclipse µattaru finds himself currently immersed in a promising project about which not much can be said just yet, so we'll just leave this here ...

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